Geographical Data for Everyone
Note that pictures/maps found on the Internet are often copyright protected. This means that they can only be utilized for private, personal use, and may not be published without the creator’s approval. Some sources are allowed to be used for educational purposes and some for other non commercial usage. Check the Term of use at each data site!
The site list below is a mix of sites with everything from static map images to fully interactive map services. To use downloadable data you need some GIS or mapping software.
World & Regional Maps
University of Texas, Map Collection
A map library with overview maps from global to national
Harvard Digital Map collection
Numerous static digital maps
CIA World Factbook
Static maps of continents and regions
Cambridge library
Map links collection
National Geographic maps
Thematic maps and world atlases from interactive databases (e.g. climate, ecology and historical maps)
UN cartographic site
Various general maps and further links
UNEP/GRID-Arendal Database
Static and interacive thematic maps
Baltic Sea Region
An atlas covering the Baltic sea region, with thematic maps of the surrounding countries. Interactive database
Vegetation and Plant Distribution Maps
Collection of vegetation maps for all world countries. Mainly static maps, but also some dynamic ones
The Map Guide
A comprehensive collection of links to different maps
ThoughtCo. - Geography, World Atlas
Links to various map sources
WWW Virtual Library
Extensive map links collection
Map History
Links to historical maps
Harvard Geospatial Library
Interactive map service with downloadable GIS data
Interactive map service down to street level with possibility to export map images
OpenStreetMap Browser
Offers different display properties of Open Streetmap
Interactive map service down to street level
Bing maps Microsoft
Interactive map service down to street level
Google Maps
Interactive map service down to street level
Collection of generalized overview maps
Demis World Map
Simple interactive map service. World atlases
Simple static maps
Simple static maps with basic facts
GIS Geography World map
World atlases
Swedish Maps
Sveriges länskartor
Static and interactive maps from the Swedish counties
Kartsök och ortnamn
Searchable maps and database with more than 700 000 Swedish villages/cities
Provincial, Swedish and relief maps with information about Sweden’s national parks
City maps for Sweden’s main cities and road maps for all provinces.
Swedish historical maps
Sveriges geologiska undersökning
Swedish geological maps. Map viewer and map generator
Links to various maps of the Nordic area
Statistiska centralbyrån
Maps and geodata from Statistics Sweden
Interactive environmental map data portal at Naturvårdsverket
Skyddad natur
Interactive map data portal of protected areas at Naturvårdsverket
Interactive map service Water Information System, Sweden
Climate data and maps for Sweden
Swedish archeological sites and monuments
Swedish historical maps
Historical maps scanned by Stockholm university
Swedish interactive map service down to street level
Swedish interactive map service down to street level
Downloadable Data
GISdata från länsstyrelserna
Downloadable GIS data from Sweden’s Country Boards of Administration. Mainly in SHP and MIF format.
GeoCommunity - GISDataDepot
Large offer of free, downloadable data, with data for most countries. Data mostly available in the following formats: ARC/INFO E00, SHP, DLG, TIGER & DEM.
Land Info
GIS & remote sensing data mostly for the USA, but also other countries.
Climate data and maps for Sweden
ESRI Downloadable Data
Arcdata online.
Natural Earth
USGS - Earth Explorer
DEMs, Land cover etc